Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Last Saturday was a very exhausting day!!! it was a day that tested my strength as a responsible daughter, sister and person all in one... I woke up early since i was the one responsible for my mama's catering business since she's in Korea (but of course with the help of my Tita Merly). I gathered all the things that we needed and headed to the place where we prepare our catering (at our canteen). when my husband parked the car, i saw that my tita Merly was already inside the canteen. I was all smiles and teasing her while walking to the door since she was not late that morning (she's always late btw :)) But her face was serious, and then she asked me if went there last night... then I said no. Then i was shocked when she said "Bhe, I'm afraid we were robbed". When I looked inside, as if it was hit by a typhoon!!! It was all shattered!!! Some of the things were missing! When I went down at the working area of the kitchen, i felt my body froze when i realized that 2 LPG tanks were missing!!! A few cases of softdrinks, canned goods, utensils, my favorite waffle maker, etc. Oh no! Not at this time!!! And when i looked up at the ceiling, there's a big hole and i knew that the robbers went in through the ceiling!!! I felt like crying!!! I didn't know what to do at that moment!!! I immediately called my mama and papa in Korea and told them what happened, of course they cannot do anything about it, and as the one who's in charge of the family and businesses, i should be the one thinking solutions to problems!!! i just thank my husband for assisting me in times like this. Good thing that my two uncles (my mom's brothers) immediately came upon learning what happened. it was a great help... just having someone to depend to... of course even if we are old enough that we can stand on our own, in times like this, we still need our "olds" to give us assistance to all things which we think we're weak. But "the show must go on"! we immediately found ways to prepare for our catering. Good thing that the robbers did not took the stuffs and foods that we prepared ahead of time, if not? i may not know what to do!!! We reported it to the barangay captain, and we have learned that we were not the only ones that were robbed... series of robbery occurred that same night!!! The neighboring canteens and other business establishment were prepared since they were given a hint by some people in the neighboring areas. They already anticipated for they saw several suspicious men wandering in the area. We were just unfortunate that we weren't advised since we didn't operate the day before the break-in happened. It's only material things... things that we can buy anytime.

But the trauma is still in my mind. I can't sleep at night, especially when it's raining so hard!!! I'm afraid that the robbers may come back since they didn't get all the things that they wanted (they left a few items). I also fear that robbers may also break-in at our house, and my two siblings, Ara and Akeem, are the only ones left and our house is still a few blocks away. Every time I wake up in the morning, i immediately go to my parents house, to check if my siblings are okay. My parents will be back barely 2 weeks from now, but for me it's a long wait!!! i know my fears will subside only if they're back already.
For now, i get my strength from my husband Ernie. I am having a hard time forgetting what happened and worrying what may happen. I am stressed and tensed, maybe because i am the one in-charge of everything (with the help of my husband) and also because it's not about myself that i only care for, but most of all, because i have to attend to my other two siblings. i just pray so hard to the Lord, that nothing will happen again and that all of us will be safe especially my beloved Ara and Akeem!

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